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Writer's pictureLaurali Noteman

Around Town: Christy Smith

Featuring Active Living Center’s Christy Smith

A few months ago, a friend and I decided to check out the Active Living Center in Kanab. We were met at the door with a warm welcome and a smile that said, “Come on in.” Little did I realize that I was going to look forward to seeing the sincere and genuine smile of Christy Smith each week.

Christy was born in Saint George, Utah, but grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her family lived in Las Vegas, but her mom worked in Saint George, ala born in St George and grew up in Vegas. At 14 her family moved to Kanab to be closer to her extended family. She started listing the last names of some relatives, Robinson, Riding, Crofts and Johnson. In fact, her Grandfather Alvin Crofts helped establish Orderville’s United Order. So, she can definitely claim being a local.

Christy Smith

She has a great philosophy, “When I’m around someone who is cranky, or brings a dark cloud over people, I try not to let it bother me. I try to stay upbeat so I can help someone who may be down. I love the seniors and helping them learn to be themselves.” It is not only her philosophy but her way of life.

Christy has worked at the Active Living Center for 14 years. With her upbeat personality she helps the seniors feel welcome and part of the family. She started driving for the Meals on Wheels program two days a week. Which eventually turned into five days a week for the next three years. When Craig Hansen came on as the Administrator, he saw Christy’s dedication and attachment to the seniors and asked her to become his Administrative Assistant for the Center. She holds the position to this day under the leadership of Jerica Bauer. Some of her current responsibilities are month-end reports, paperwork, Care and Share, driver when needed, helping cook when needed. Basically she, “takes care of what needs to be done.”

She is one of those rare individuals who truly lives a faith-based life bringing the word of God to the people, through her acts of kindness and undeniable desire to make the lives she touches meaningful and warm. Whenever the opportunity arises and work allows, she travels to tent revivals spreading the word playing her guitar, singing gospel songs. She has helped pitch the tents in Washington state and Missouri in association with Prevailing Word Publishing.

Christy is the proud mom to four children, grandmother to 10 wonderful grandchildren and wife to Bret Smith. Pretty sure her family is proud to claim her as theirs.



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