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Commission appoints Betty Chamberlain to Kane County Tourism Tax Advisory Board

Writer: Don JenningsDon Jennings

The Commission met in the School Board Room at the Kanab Center on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Commissioners Wade Heaton, Celeste Meyeres and Patty Kubeja were in attendance, joined as usual by county attorney Rob Van Dyke.

The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. Commissioner Heaton welcomed those in attendance, including members of the public and County Clerk Auditor Chameil Lamb, County Treasurer Keiren Chatterly, County Human Resources Director Rhonda Gant and County Sheriff Tracy Glover. Rob Van Dyke provided the invocation.

During public comment, one resident spoke, asking for clarification on an agenda item.

After approving consent items, the commission addressed the regular agenda.

Calli Kelly with the Kane Education Foundation (KEF) opened the meeting with her annual presentation on the foundation’s work in 2023. KEF is a nonprofit organization that serves students, parents and teachers in Kane County by implementing programs in four focus areas: Counseling for Students, Preschool and Early Learning, STEM and Fine Arts. KEF is legally and operationally separate from the Kane County School District, and coordinates closely with the District’s Superintendent.

Next, was a presentation from Bryan Thiriot of the Five County Association of Governments. Established in 1972, the Five County Association of Governments is a voluntary association of the five southwestern counties of the State of Utah, including Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane and Washington counties. The agency’s mission is to “Plan, Prepare and Partner” with federal, state and local governments to strengthen the role of southwestern Utah local officials in the execution of state and federal programs at the local level, including community and economic development, transportation planning, small business financing, aging programs, human services planning and job training.

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The commission next unanimously approved the appointment of Betty Chamberlain to the Kane County Tourism Tax Advisory Board, both to finish the term of a vacated spot, and to serve another term following. The bid award for the Duck Creek Paving project was unanimously approved, as well.

The final version of the Cooperation Agreement Between Kanab City and Kane County – Authorization for Structural Fire Protection in Unincorporated Areas of the County was unanimously approved. The agreement is one year in duration while the city and county continue to work on a permanent solution.

County Human Resources Director Rhonda Gant described county employee insurance benefits that were approved by the commission. County Attorney Rob Van Dyke described several edits to the county employee handbook that were approved by the commission.

The last two items were a review of County Policy for Notice Requirements for Commission Appointments to County Boards and Other Entities, and Approval of Abatements and Credits. Each was approved by the commission with 2-1 votes.

The commission moved to adjourn at 4:20 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.

Kane County Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 2 p.m. in the School Board Room at the Kanab Center. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on


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