A traffic citation was filed against Kanab City Police Chief Tom Cram, as presented by Garfield County Attorney, regarding an incident in which a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle driven by Cram in a Kanab crosswalk. The citation was filed in Kanab City Justice Court; a source within the justice court confirmed the penalty would likely be limited to a fine, with no expectation of suspension of Cram’s service as Chief. That same source confirmed that Cram’s status as Chief would likely not factor into the citation, and that the citation served would be the same for anyone involved in similar incidents.
In response to the accident UDOT has since updated the settings on the traffic light to prevent turns during crosswalk crossings. Per Chief Cram, “We have had fatalities on left turns on that crosswalk before … I don’t know why it took me and my incident to get them down here to make adjustments, but they’ve changed it now.”