Kindness is one of the most important attributes kids can learn and there is no shortage of it in the FES kindergarten classroom. Mrs. Chell’s class went above and beyond with acts of kindness and model behavior to earn an ice cream party.

The class started out with a flower that, sadly, had no petals on it. The students had to first fill a bucket with cute tokens, (one token is equal to one act of kindness). Only when the token bucket was full, were they able to add one petal onto their class flower. Students earned these tokens by being nice, helpful and quiet in class. They also earned tokens at recess, lunch and specials by being kind, including others when they were playing, behaving respectfully and listening to/ following directions.
Over the last four months, kindergarten has worked extremely hard in and outside of class. Last week they were finally able to add their eighth and final petal. Yay! Mrs. Chell’s class understands that there is power in kindness, and the best way to teach it is to model it. The kindergarten continues to be amazing examples to all the students at FES by the kindness and respect that they display every day. Kindness is contagious, so let’s continue spreading it!
Congratulations Kindergarten students, you are all amazing!