By Garkane Energy Co-op
On January 20, 2022, the Sixth District Court of Utah awarded Garkane Energy Cooperative full
restitution of all funds as a recovery for stolen items relating to the matter of State of Utah v.
Klinton Ralph Chynoweth, Case No. 201600071. All lost value and money have been paid back to
the Garkane membership.
In March 2020, Klinton Chynoweth was charged with four accounts dealing with financial theft.
Since that time Garkane Board and Staff have worked closely with the Kane County Sheriff and
District Attorney’s office to complete a thorough investigation and ensure the case was
presented the court system. A plea deal was reached in a court hearing in October 2020.
After the first hearing in October 2020, and as permitted by the court, Garkane extended an
internal investigation into the matter to ensure all damages were recovered. The result of
that investigation uncovered additional items lost and Garkane filed to recover internal accounting
losses as well. Correspondingly, a new hearing was scheduled for January 20, to consider said
losses by the court.
Judge Marvin D. Bagley asked Garkane to appear at this hearing and answer questions
regarding the matter. William Hammon, Garkane’s Board President appeared at the hearing and
presented a thorough statement of Garkane’s position. As in the past, Garkane cooperated fully
with law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office to address questions related to this matter in
order to facilitate the prosecution of this case and to secure full restitution for Garkane members,
which has been accomplished.
The hearing concluded with the initial plea deal made in October 2020, including 150 hours of
community service and a restitution order to be paid to Garkane Energy, which has been paid in
For further information about the case, visit: .