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Glendale Board member Chris Williams to step down

Writer: Don JenningsDon Jennings

The Glendale Town Board met in the board chambers at the Glendale Town Hall on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Mayor Dan Spencer, board members Clint Porter and Kristy Brinkerhoff, and Town Clerk Melanie Dutson were in attendance. Board members Chris Williams and Paul Cox dialed in remotely.

Mayor Spencer called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

After unanimously approving minutes from the previous meeting and monthly expenses, the board addressed the regular agenda.

The first item was a vote on the Budget Reconciliation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, followed by approval of the FY 2025 budget. Both were unanimously passed.

Next, Kyler Nielson of Jones & DeMille presented on the ongoing master plan water study, specifically about the various ways the study can be funded. The simplest, fastest way to fund the project would be to use funds already set aside by the town. The cost of the project is $23,500. Mayor Spencer noted that the town has more than that in water budget and moved to approve self-funding of the project. The rest of the board unanimously agreed.

Shanda Frost asked the board about developments with the town ballfield. Kristy Brinkerhoff explained plans to remove grass from the infield, move home plate and base paths out a bit and replace the infield surface with higher quality fill.

Item five was a discussion of board member Chris William’s upcoming absence. Williams and his family will be out of town for up to a year for business in Arizona. Mayor Spencer noted that the board could grant up to a one-year leave of absence, but that it might be more prudent to have a board member locally present. It was agreed that Williams will resign at the end of July. The board will look for a replacement between now and that time.

The board discussed upcoming holiday events including July 4th and the Apple Festival. The July Fourth celebration is ready to go, and flyers have been posted around town and in the Southern Utah News. The Apple Festival planning committee continues to work on plans for an October event.

Finally, the board discussed repairs needed at the Berryville Hills crossing, including mitigation for exposed rebar. It was unanimously agreed to put the project out for bid.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Glendale Town Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the town offices. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Utah Public Notice website Information about Glendale Town can be found at



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