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Introducing Active Living News

Writer: Don JenningsDon Jennings

We’re happy to introduce a new column in the Southern Utah News (SUN) called “Active Living: News for Local Seniors.” The column will feature news for area seniors, as well as updates on local events, programs, and services.

Updates: This week you’ll find the September senior services calendar and menu for both Kane County and Fredonia published here in the SUN. The SUN also publishes information about the Care & Share food program and the Utah Food Bank Mobile Pantry every week. Check the paper or your town’s website if you have questions about these services.

Image by Gus Faring, CC 2020.

Food to Eat After 50

To stay healthy, you need to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. While that advice is true for all ages, it is especially important as you get older.

Older adults need to eat a variety of healthy foods to maintain strength, bone mass and cognitive function, all of which can decline as the body ages.

The good news is that there are lots of tasty “superfoods” that can help you improve your health as you age. Superfoods are essentially foods that provide an extra boost of nutrients.

Dark Green & Leafy Vegetables: Dark leafy greens top the list because they contain large quantities of antioxidants that help to remove free radicals from the body that can build up and cause damage to other cells.

Berries: All berries are high in antioxidants. Antioxidant rich foods may help to slow down age-related bone loss and improve your bones’ ability to heal. Different types of berries may vary in their nutrient profile, but they’re all going to be similarly beneficial.

Brussel Sprouts: Filled with antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage, Brussell sprouts are also high in fiber. Four to six sprouts per day is all it takes to get a powerful nutrient punch.

Salmon: Fatty fish, like salmon, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help decrease your risk for heart disease, and protein, a macronutrient that is essential for maintaining muscle mass.

Expert advice: There are many more superfoods not included on this list. The best way to make sure your diet includes the right foods and nutrients to keep you healthy is by working with your personal physician or a registered dietitian who can guide you on what and how much to eat.

Source: US News & World Reports


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