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Just singin' and dancin' in the rain

Writer: Megan BrownMegan Brown

Singin'' in the Rain Jr. was performed this past weekend by the Kanab High School Drama Department. Dalllin Corry (center) playing Don Lockwood, is joined by the cast as they sing and dance (or tap) in the rain! Photo by Jenna Corry.

The Kanab High School drama department, under the direction of Mariah Wheeler, delighted audiences this past weekend with three performances of their fall masterpiece of a musical, Singin’ in the Rain Jr.

Not only did the young thespians impress the audiences with their singing and acting skills, they put their best feet forward by tap dancing throughout the whole show! Singing, acting and dancing: a triple threat! Beloved character Cosmo Brown, played by the hilarious Corban Kerr, said close to the same words when speaking of the beautiful, yet untalented Lina Lamont: “She can’t act. She can’t sing. And she can’t dance. A triple threat!” The opposite was true of this delightful cast: They could sing, they could act and they could dance!

Kanab High School''s production of Singin'' in the Rain Jr. was a smashing success! After Kathy Seldon (played by Madison Patton, center) jumps out of a cake, the rest of the flappers join her in a dance. Photo by Jenna Corry.

Mikayla Jones, playing the role of movie starlet Lina Lamont, didn’t miss a beat with her spot-on impersonation of the dim-witted character from the sensational 1952 screenplay, while Dallin Corry gave Gene Kelly a run for his money, as he did a fantastic job in his role of Don Lockwood, a Hollywood star during the silent movie era.

Miss Madison Patton portrayed the role of the sweet and talented stage actress Kathy Seldon with grace and apparent ease, as she sang her way straight to the heart of the Hollywood heartthrob Lockwood.

The supporting cast was full of energy, donned beautiful costumes reflective of the “talkies” era and brought the audience to their feet for a standing ovation three nights in a row.

The student stage, sound and lighting crews are not to be forgotten for their indispensable contribution in making this production the best it could possibly be.

We look forward to what this talented group has to offer in future KHS drama productions to come!


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