Continuing its tradition of featuring local artists, the Kanab Arts Board presents its Fourth Quarter Exhibition. The opening reception, hosted by the Kane County Hospital, will be held on October 19, from 5 - 6 p.m. in the hospital lobby. The exhibition will feature local artists using a wide variety of mediums including metal, glass, polymer clay, watercolors, oil and photography. Refreshments will be served.

The halls of the Kane County Hospital lobby will be graced by the artworks of five artists starting with Camberly Brown Anderson, a native of Kanab who teaches basic art skills to the youth of the area on top of creating her own artistic “mess.” She has a deep love for all art forms and believes in the saying “Why not?”
Fiona Duncan was born and raised in Scotland, and has traveled extensively. She lived in Colorado, Wisconsin, northern Utah, Arizona and now, amongst the beloved red hills of southern Utah. She works with metal, fused glass, watercolors and oil, and is influenced by the color palettes that each new place provides.
Marc Joseph Supancich is a watercolor artist with 44 years of experience from leatherwork, beading, sewing, painting, sign painting, pointillism, ceramics, woodworking and tattooing. Marc, his wife, seven-year old daughter and his extended family are all involved with animal welfare and the arts.
In memoriam, Erica Berg presents her mother Nancy Vogel’s (1946-2023) work. Nancy was a talented artist who found inspiration through her love of animals. She worked primarily with polymer clay to create realistic and expressive pieces that celebrate the beauty of both domestic and wild animals.
Laura Wilson has a master’s degree in fine arts from Brigham Young University. She is a mother of 12, a former school art instructor and a lover of watercolors. Now that her children are grown, she turned to art and paints portraits, local southern Utah landscapes, temples in watercolor and what she calls CTR children.
The Kanab City Library walls will be graced by the photography of Stacy Cox, a professional photographer for the last 10 years whose passion for photography goes back decades. She was formally trained in film photography and is now a self-taught digital photographer. She sees her camera as a tool to connect, to create, to speak and to give back.
Also on display at the Kanab City Library are intricate creatures of fantasy and folklore, sculpted in polymer clay. Inspired by the Philippine myth and folklore of her childhood, Ria Mendoza Hoyt creates sculptures fusing elements of worldwide and local lore and hopes that these creatures may evoke extreme emotions, and even thought and talk.
The opening reception is open to all. Guests can also enjoy light refreshments provided by the Kane County Hospital. The Kanab Arts Board Fourth Quarter Exhibition is open during the Kane County Hospital and Kanab City Library business hours and will run until December 7, 2023. For inquiries, or if you’re a local artist interested in exhibiting, please email