It was standing room only at last week’s First Aid for Pets event presented by Kanab Veterinary Hospital and generously sponsored by Kanab City Library.

The evening began with Dr. Breanna Isom DVM, and Dr. Tara Timpson, DVM, deftly tag teaming as they presented information about the most common ailments and accidents a pet owner may face. The presentation, at times dotted with a little appropriate humor, discussed what pet parents should be watchful for, to take and when it is time to seek professional help. The audience learned first aid basics, addressing a wide range of conditions and situations, such as how to bandage an open wound, how to perform CPR, which foods and common household products are poisonous to pets, what to do in the event of a rattlesnake bite and the right and wrong way to address foxtails that have invaded your dog’s nose and/or ears, to name a few.

After the formal presentation, attendees were encouraged to visit the hands-on demonstration tables arranged around the room. The tables, hosted by Kanab Veterinary Hospital staff, supported each segment of the presentation with practical demonstrations and questions answered by experienced members of staff. Dr. Patti Patterson, DVM, hosted an “Ask the Vet” station for any questions not covered at the demonstration tables.
Our community’s enthusiasm and engagement during the demonstrations was infectious. One lady was overheard to say, “I am so glad to have learned the right way to do CPR on my dog, should I ever have to. I didn’t realize how hard I need to press on my large dog’s chest.” Another person remarked he didn’t know grapes are poisonous to dogs. Other comments heard from participants affirmed that all the new information was much appreciated, and it was nice to have existing knowledge affirmed.
Kanab Veterinary Hospital would like to thank Kanab City Library for sponsoring our community event. With special thanks to librarians JanaLee, Adrienne and MariLyn, whose kindness and support before, during and after the event contributed to the success of the evening.
We would be amiss if we did not thank the over 100 residents of our community who gave their time to support our event. Kanab Veterinary Hospital is grateful for your support and enthusiastic engagement during our presentation and demonstrations. It is our honor to serve our community and we THANK YOU.