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Kane County School Board approves tax increase

Writer: Tracy HiscockTracy Hiscock

The Kane School District held a Truth in Taxation hearing just prior to the August 13 meeting of the Kane District Board of Education. District Business Manager Cary Reese gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the district proposed tax increase and explained the two reasons for said proposed increase. The first is to provide $2.3 million towards the total of $8 million (estimated cost) to replace the outdated coal fire boiler HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system at Kanab High School (KHS). The district has been awarded a $5.7 million energy grant for the bulk of the project from the United States Department of Energy, in a competitive bidding contest in which only 24 recipients were selected out of 263 applicants from all over the country.

The second is to provide $20 million to build a new auxiliary gymnasium, music room, food service kitchen and eating area; and to move the administrative offices to the front of the building to improve security at Valley High School (VHS). The district has been awarded a $2.6 million grant from the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) for the office moving portion of this proposal.

VHS was originally constructed as a gymnasium building in 1954. A music room was added in 1956. There have been four additions since then to create the high school in its current configuration. This project will involve tearing down that original gymnasium and music room which have serious foundation and other structural issues; and replacing them with a smaller, auxiliary gymnasium, music room and an eating area. Additionally, the food service kitchen at Valley Elementary School (VES) is far too small to meet current demands at both VHS and VES. So, a new kitchen will be added at VHS to serve the students at both schools.

The hearing was well attended. Most of the people present, as well as those who had emailed or telephoned school board members and district staff, were in favor of the tax increase. Various people commended the school district for its fiscal responsibility over the years. Indeed, this school district has not raised taxes since 2010, and then merely a 3.2 percent increase. Under the leadership of Cary Reese, it has prudently managed its capital and operating funds. It functions with complete transparency. It has saved taxpayers several million dollars by its use of a General Obligation Bond, with its premium and low interest rate, to build the new Kanab Elementary School.

Comments made about VHS during the hearing mentioned earthquake safety concerns, the great dilapidation of the buildings and structural integrity. An engineering report was done and reported on in the meeting as well. When asked about the possibility of retrofitting the buildings rather than replacing them, it was noted that outdated electrical and mechanical components cannot be upgraded without coming into compliance with current codes, an expensive proposition.

Those who voiced opposition to the tax increase proposal and how it relates to their personal tax burden were invited to visit the Kane District office to learn more about district finances and tax levies from Business Manager Cary Reese. The Board Docs page on the district website contains the engineer’s report, PowerPoint, and tax information. The school board voted to approve the tax increase.

Kane District Technology Manager Travis Terry made a presentation to the school board detailing the internet safety measures taken in district schools. The district’s web filter for schools is called ContentKeeper. It uses Artificial Intelligence categorization to analyze web traffic and automatically block web content containing pornography, substance abuse, extremism and other categories of sensitive and potentially harmful material. It blocks zero-day malware, viruses and direct IP URLs (websites) for additional security. It is an approved content filter used by many districts in the State. Students are also protected at home if they take home devices from school. Chromebooks are used by students in grades 9-12.

A Google extension called Bark monitors student email and provides instant reporting to School Principals on student activities in all Google apps including threats, self-harm and language that is deemed inappropriate. The district also now uses a mobile device manager for the classroom called Blocksi.

“No amount of technology can replace in person teacher monitoring,” Terry concluded, explaining further. Teachers are provided training annually on best practices for internet safety including password protection, cyberbullying, student data privacy, online safety, and email safety. Annually, student, parents and staff sign a Responsible Use Form. This policy gives an outline of practices for safe use of district resources as well as consequences for inappropriate behavior.

Superintendent Ben Dalton updated the board on Utah State Board of Education activities, the Statewide Online Education Program, the Utah Fits All Scholarship program, grants, changes to the ACT and Parent Webinars being offered by the district. He commended the custodial staff which has streamlined its ordering process, eliminated unnecessary supplies and began bidding more items, thereby saving considerable money.

The board approved the 2024-25 Kane District Earl Learning (K-3) Plan, Cellphone Policy FHAH-1 and the school handbooks for five schools. It approved the Kanab High School (KHS) Football camp and Volleyball schedule; and the VHS Volleyball, Cross Country, & Baseball schedules and one 150- mile request.

The board approved the Specific Licensure of Madilynn Hoffmeier to be the KES Music teacher. The board approved the hiring of the following persons, subject to a successful background check: Filpeta Begay (Big Water School secretary), Amber Bowman (Cosmetology instructor), Bekka Patton (KHS Volleyball Head Coach), Connie Tait (KES food service) and Esther Torgersen (VHS Assistant Volleyball coach). It also conditionally approved the hiring of the following paraeducators: Grace Almond, Abbey Bateman, Amber Banfill, Ashley Brown, Carmen Cox, Heather Dalton, Lisa Green, Nicia House, Mercedes Morgan, Harlee Riggins and Madilynn Terry. Congratulations to all.


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