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Writer's pictureTy Gant

Kane County Treasurer Kevin Blomquist retires, prompting election and interim management

Kevin Blomquist, who has served Kane County for over six years as elected Treasurer, announced his resignation on June 16, 2023. Blomquist accepted a position working with the Utah Office of Tourism (UOT), who released a statement to the press: “Kane County Treasurer Kevin Blomquist has accepted a position within the UOT as Grant Specialist, overseeing the distribution of federal and state grants to tourism partners throughout the state.” Vicki Varela, Managing Director for UOT, said, “Kevin is a great fit with his marketing, lending and finance background as well as his involvement in rural county grant funds. We are thrilled to have Kevin join our team.”

Kevin Blomquist retires after more than six years as Kane County Treasurer. Photo courtesy of Kane County.

In the same release, Blomquist said, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to help grow the visitor economy throughout the state by providing marketing and destination development grants to tourism entities … I saw a job posting with UOT that I felt the qualifications were within my wheelhouse. Being able to work remotely was a big deciding factor.”

Per UOT, Blomquist will be responsible for federally funded grants for tourism development projects and state-funded Cooperative Marketing grants. “Both provide grants to destination marketing organizations and non-profit tourism related entities.”

In Blomquist’s resignation letter, which he shared with the Southern Utah News, he said, “It is a bittersweet decision based on a tremendous amount of thought and consideration that I submit this letter of resignation to officially resign from the Kane County Utah Treasurer elected position … I would like to thank all the county employees, department heads and Kane County Elected Officials, whom I have worked with during my time in office. Kane County truly does have excellent, hardworking employees in all departments that do a great job. Thank you for working with me and my office. I consider all of you as friends.”

To the residents and property owners of Kane County, Blomquist continued, “Thank you for supporting me thru the election process[es] and allowing me to serve you in my position. It has been a pleasure and I appreciate all the backing and encouragement … I ensure that, after I step down, you will be in good hands.”

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At the resolution of his letter, Blomquist endorsed his office staff, “Lastly, I would like to thank my hardworking, talented, honest, responsible and dependable staff. Both Trisha and Keiren have been great and are more than I ever could have asked for. They have been there through ‘it all’ and I will be forever grateful for their support and hard work!”

Blomquist’s final day in office is June 23. As the county has received a number of inquiries regarding the vacancy and how it will be filled, Commissioner Patty Kubeja has provided a simplified version of the process, citing Utah Code 20-A-1-508:

  1. The Kane County Commissioners appoint an interim replacement to fill the vacancy. The current Chief Deputy Treasurer Trish Spendlove will fill the vacancy and be appointed as the interim replacement.

  2. The Commissioners have 10 days to notify the political party of the current officer about the vacancy. In this case it is the Republican Party, of whom Mr. Boyd Corry is the current Party Chair.

  3. The Kane County Republican Party By-Laws require the Kane County Central Committee (Kane County Republican Party Executive Committee, Republican Elected Officials and Republican Party Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs) to select an individual to fill the vacancy for the rest of the current term. The name for the interim appointment must be submitted to the County Commissioners within 30 days of the initial vacancy notification.

  4. The County Commissioners have 5 days after they receive the name to appoint the individual as the interim Kane County Treasurer. Please contact Boyd Corry if you are interested in applying for the interim vacancy or have questions regarding the Republican Party Central Committee selection process.”

The County staff expressed their gratitude for Blomquist’s service and wished him the best in his endeavors with the Office of Tourism.



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