JanaLee Peay is a font of information as director of Kanab City’s Library. At the monthly board meeting, she provides statistics that show how the library is helping locals and visitors.
For those number nuts in the reading audience, here are a few from May:

Over 1700 visitors a month
Over 3000 items circulated - with almost half of those from children and teens
There are over 2800 library cards in the city and county. Did you know that these are free? If you don’t have one, do hightail it over to the library and get one.
Events - in April there were 26 events, attended by almost 900 people.
Libby/Overdrive saw 1641 books/audiobooks/ magazines being borrowed digitally. Did you know that borrowing these are free - if you have a library card. Libby is an app on your phone. Just download that app, put in your card information and start reading on your phone, listening to audiobooks when you drive, or work in the yard, or do dishes or whenever. Free! It takes minutes to set up. Do it now! The picture gives you clear instructions.
InterLibrary Loans (ILLs) were almost 100 loans for the month. These are books you request from the library if they don’t have them in their catalog. They, then, will request them from libraries throughout the United States and you’ll have the coveted book shortly within your hands.
Were you aware that you can go online to Kanab City Library’s website kanablibrary.org and look for books you want to read. With a library card you can put a hold on that book, and it’ll be waiting for you when you arrive at the library. Library hours are 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Monday and Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. on Saturday.
“When I got my library card, that’s when my life began.” - Rita Mae Brown