The deadline for the 2023 municipal election applications has passed, meaning with the exception of write ins, we have our candidates for Kanab City Council and other municipal positions.

There are three seats being voted on in this year’s election; incumbent council member Arlon Chamber- lain, and the seats vacated by Celeste Meyeres and Michael East, currently held by interim council members JD Wright and Kerry Glover.
The runners who have filed for candidacy are Boyd Corry and Peter Banks, with Councilman Chamberlain running to retain his seat. Readers will note there are as many running candidates as there are open seats; unless a viable write-in candidate campaigns, the election will be waived and Kanab City will appoint the three filed candidates by default.
All three of the current candidates have leadership experience in the community, have run businesses here and have made their family lives in Kanab, and the Southern Utah News looks forward to engaging with them each in more detail in a future report.