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New stage and theater area at Jackson Flat Reservoir open

Writer: Ty GantTy Gant

The Kane County Water Conservancy District hosted a concert at the Jackson Flat Reservoir on Friday, September 15, as the christening performance for the reservoir’s new, recently completed stage.

From left to right:

  • KCWCD’s Seth Giddings cuts the ribbon, flanked by colleagues Mike Noel and Amanda Buhler. Photo by Ty Gant.

  • Drummer extraordinaire John Crowley stares directly into the camera ... probably because his wife is on the other side of the lens! Photo by Stacy Cox.

  • People lounge on the grass under sunny skies, enjoying the concert on the newly opened stage. Photo by Stacy Cox.

  • The W Duo performing on the newly-opened stage at Jackson Flat Reservoir. Photo by Stacy Cox.

The concrete stage, just down the hill from the pavilion, gives the area a natural amphitheater arrangement, allowing for musical performances and other events to have an established location. The reservoir is a common event venue and commonly deploys a temporary stage for performers and announcers - this permanent emplacement is intended to mitigate the need for the repeated setting up and breaking down of such a stage.

According to KCWCD staff, there may still be some events like the Fourth of July celebrations that call for a larger stage, but the permanent stage will make the venue more welcoming for smaller-scale events.

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Friday’s concert included local food trucks, a ribbon cutting ceremony with a speech by Mike Noel of the KCWCD and music by the W Duo and the Chris Paul Band. Guests were invited up for line dancing and singing along, while the Wulfensteins of the W Duo provided classic Country music fare.

The event also acted as a sort of precursor to two other goings-on in Kanab: the football game against Beaver at the high school and the Stellar Vista Observatory star party at the reservoir following the concert.

During the ribbon cutting, Noel said, “I appreciate all of you for coming out to support us, I know there’s a football game tonight - I’ll probably see you there right after this - so we’re glad to have the attendance that we do! This stage is another step in making the reservoir a more welcoming spot for events, so thank you all for being here.” The KCWCD is partnering with Roam and East Zion Experiences for pavilion reservations and rental of water sporting equipment - visit or to make reservations.


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