The Orderville Town Board met at the town offices on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Mayor Lyle Goulding and board members Chelcie Cox, Marianne Leigh, Rory Hatch and Shaun Sharkey were in attendance, as were Town Clerk Carol Lamb and Town Treasurer Breanna Crofts. Kane County Commissioners Wade Heaton and Celeste Meyeres were also in the audience.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Goulding at 7 p.m. Consent items consisting of minutes from the previous meeting and bills presented for payment were unanimously approved.
The first agenda item was a review of the town financial audit ending 06/30/2023. Stephen Palmer from the firm of Hinton Burdick & Advisors presented a slide show with the results, noting that such reviews are “pass/fail.” He described the review as a “clean report,” noting that there were no “material weaknesses” and that the town was in sound financial shape. Mayor Goulding thanked Carol Lamb and Breanna Crofts for their work in overseeing and documenting the town’s finances.
The next item was carried over from the last meeting, consisting of approval/denial for annexation of parcels requested by Mongini & Selna. The request was unanimously approved. Item 3 was a zone change request from Shanna Frost. Ms. Frost presented maps to the board showing her property as part of her request for a change from zone R-1A to C1. Discussion between the board members identified a need for an additional conditional use commercial zone. Mayor Goulding asked that planning and zoning develop such a zone, and Ms. Frost agreed to wait until it was created to pursue her request. The item was tabled by the board.
Item 4 was the recommended approval by the Orderville Town Planning and Zoning Commission of a minor subdivision application submitted by Anthony and Kelly Frost. The recommendation was unanimously passed. Item 5 was the recommended denial by the Orderville Town Planning and Zoning Commission for a conditional use permit for a tiny house shortterm vacation rental by Tyron Spencer. The recommendation was unanimously passed.
Item 6 was the recommended approval by the Orderville Town Planning and Zoning Commission for a conditional use permit for a short term-term vacation rental as requested by William Aller. The recommendation was approved, with board member Chelcie Cox voting against.
Item 7 was the recommended approval by the Orderville Town Planning and Zoning Commission for a conditional use permit for a short term-term vacation rental as requested by Charles Baysinger. The recommendation was approved, with board member Chelcie Cox voting against.
Business licenses for Norsk Custom Builders, BCC Morgan LLC, and Sharon’s House were unanimously approved, as was moving forward with the MOU between Cedar Mountain Fire protection District, Glendale Fire, Orderville Fire and Big Water Fire and Rescue for the purpose of collectively securing grant funding for replacing old and outdated equipment.
The final agenda item was consideration of an appointment to the planning and zoning commission to fill the remaining two years of an open seat. The town will publicly post the open position for two weeks before proceeding with the appointment process.
Chelcie Cox, reporting for the Streets and Roads Department, noted that surveyors had informed her that the width of the town’s streets needs to be standardized.
Marianne Leigh, reporting for Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries, reminded everyone about the town Easter Egg Hunt on March 30, and the upcoming Souptown Days event on April 20.
Orderville Town Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, at 7 p.m., in the basement of the town offices. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Utah Public Notices website at