The Orderville Town Board met at the town offices on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Board members Marianne Leigh, Shaun Sharkey, Rory Hatch and Susan Esplin were in attendance. Mayor Lyle Goulding called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Minutes from the previous meeting and bills presented for payment were unanimously approved. No public comments were offered.
The first item on the agenda was discussion about the length and width of the water line to be installed at Luke Stevens’ property at 1308 State St. The board agreed that whatever requirements in place via statute and/or the needs of the fire department would remain as the standard.
Next, the board considered approval of a business license for Mike Braithwait’s J&T Kettlecorn and BBQ. The application was approved with four ayes and one nay.
The board unanimously approved Resolution 2025-02-05 to Establish a Recreation and Development Committee for the Purpose of Planning, Seeking Funding and Reporting Feasibility for the Development of a Town Park and/or Improvements to the Current Little League Facility. Kourtney Millard was unanimously approved as chairperson of the committee.
The ratification of Terry’s Food and Hardware’s business license was unanimously approved, as was the Town Clerk’s recommendation that the municipality open up to a total of four Public Treasurer Investment Fund (PTIF) accounts to aid in financial management.
Finally, the board discussed a review of the Administration Income Fee for Long Valley Sewer Improvement and the WKCSSD billing service, agreeing to let the Town Treasurer look into the matter and make adjustments as needed.
A motion to adjourn at 8 p.m. was unanimously approved by the board.
Orderville Town Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the basement of the town offices. Agendas and minutes can be found on the Utah Public Notices website at