It’s that time of year - tourism is picking up, students are interested in work for the summer, and local residents are looking to connect with area employers. It’s a perfect time to have a community job fair. Prior to 2020, the Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce had a long history of holding these fairs in the community, so when the Department of Workforce Services recently approached the Chamber about partnering on an event: the answer was a resounding yes! These two organizations are in the process of planning the event along with sponsoring partners the Southern Utah News and the Kane County Office of Tourism.

“We’re really excited to be working on this event,” said Pat Guerrero, Kanab Area Chamber president. “Job fairs are about hiring, and finding work, but also about networking with other businesses and residents in the community.”
This year’s event will be held in the afternoon on Tuesday, April 1, in the gym at the Kanab Center. Local area high school students will be welcomed at the beginning, then the event opens to the general public. If you would like to reserve a free table for your business, you can do so at before the March 27. Access diverse talent, make personal connections and showcase your company. Even if you don’t have immediate openings, you can build a talent pipeline of promising candidates and maintain contact for future openings.