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Southern Utah and northern Arizona institute Stage 1 Fire Restriction as of June 21, 2024

Writer: Ty GantTy Gant

In a press release by the U.S. Departments of the Interior, Natural Resources, Park and Forest Services and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Stage 1 Fire Restrictions were declared across “all federal, unincorporated Private and State lands in Washington, Iron, Beaver, Kane and Garfield counties (excluding lands in Beaver and Garfield managed by the Fishlake National Forest), all Arizona State Lands north of the Grand Canyon, NPS lands within Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument and all BLM-managed public lands within the Arizona Strip District in Arizona.” These restrictions were made with the help of local county authorities, who echo the importance of fire safety and the intent to enforce the restrictions on county lands.

Per the interagency press release: “While Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect, the following acts are prohibited:

  • No campfires or open fires outside of agency improved and maintained campgrounds and homesites in southwest Utah. Running water is required on cabins or homesites on unincorporated private land. Devices fueled by liquid petroleum are allowed.

  • No discharging of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices outside of incorporated city limits or on public lands (city-specific restrictions may apply). Fireworks are always prohibited on all federal lands.

  • No shooting of exploding targets or tracer ammunition.

  • No cutting, grinding or welding of metal in areas of dry vegetation. This includes acetylene torches.

  • No use of equipment without a working and properly maintained spark arrestor (if required).

  • No smoking near vegetation or outside of a developed recreation site, personal vehicle or building.

  • No open fires of any kind are allowed in Zion National Park’s Watchman Campground (Stage 2 Fire Restrictions).

  • Campfires are allowed in agency improved and maintained campgrounds at Lava Point.

  • Campfires are allowed at Glen Canyon in established campgrounds within established rings and below the high-water mark, only in areas completely void of vegetation.”

The official order from the Department of Natural Resources, signed by State Fire Management Officer Brett Ostler and State Forester Jamie Barns, adds, “Due to current and forecasted weather conditions coupled with the extremely dry vegetation conditions in southern Utah, the State Forester, in consultation with the county commission of the affected county, has determined that measures must be taken to prevent the ignition of forest and rangeland fires … Any of the above acts is a violation of state law and is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. These restrictions will be enforced by county law enforcement.”

The press release referred to the interagency Fire Sense campaign to increase public awareness and prevention of wildfires, which can be found at For additional agency specific information and reference maps, check and


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