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Southern Utah News Flashback

Writer: Maddie SpencerMaddie Spencer

90 years ago: October 13, 1933

The Boy Scouts of Kanab have placed some bulletins in the Free Public Library for distribution to scouts. Among the pamphlets are: Safety, Conservation, Electricity, Handicraft, Woodwork, Taxidermy, First Aid, Archery, Physical Development, Civics, Bookbinding, Signaling and Music. Scouts borrowing bulletins must return them to the library after they have been read. This season’s first meeting of the Ladies Literary League was held Thursday afternoon, October 5, at the home of President Louise A. Kitchen. After the constitution and bylaws of the organization was read and adopted and programs for the season’s work read, Louise gave “greetings.” A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess at the beginning of the meeting.

From left to right, photos from the SUN archives:

  • Chosen to represent Kanab High School during their Homecoming celebration this Friday are Queen Teresa Stucki and her attendants, Tulsi Johns (left) and Rhonda Roberts. They will reign over the parade and game Friday as well as other activities.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Clarkson are pleased to announce the wedding of their daughter JoAnn to Jeffrey Charles Michelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Michelson. They have chosen to seal their love for time and eternity in the St. George LDS Temple on the seventh day of October 1983.

  • Roger Pugh (left) is presented with a bronze plaque in memory of his mother, Vera Pugh, by Captain Joyce Rhodes (right) and Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Kropf (center) of the Margery Stewart DUP Camp. The members of this Daughters of Utah Pioneer camp wish to thank the families of Verna Pugh for their generous contribution to the camp in memory of their mother. She held many offices and truly loved keeping alive the memories of those early pioneers.

  • Senior Receiver Hadin Jones hauls in this touchdown pass from quarterback Merrill Terry in the Cowboys loss to Duchesne last Friday night 34-21.

70 years ago: September 25, 1953

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leach of Kanab were happily surprised one day this week when they received a long-distance phone call from their son Mossy Leach, who is stationed in Frankfort, Germany. Moss said that he was in fine health and that he was enjoying his duty in the armed services. He told his folks that he plans on being home in February. Jerry Glover, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glover of Kanab, had a narrow call yesterday when he ran into the side of a pick-up driven by Emily Rider, also of Kanab. Young Glover was riding east on his bicycle and ran into the pickup as he came onto Main Street in front of DeVon Jackson’s Chevron Station. Trooper Merrill Johnson and City Marshal Alvin Jones investigated the accident and said that no serious injury was received by Jerry. Merle Morris Jr., age five, had his tonsils removed on September 11 at Kane County Hospital, and Charles Whipple of Kanab was treated for lacerations of both hands on the same day.

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60 years ago: September 26, 1963

Enrollment at the Kanab Elementary School is down considerable from the past few years due to the large number of parents who have finished their work at the Glen Canyon Dam. Last year we finished school with an enrollment of 321 and at the present time we have only 307 enrolled and 10 of these have left since school began this year. Sunday night, after sacrament meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Heaton of Orderville plan to show slides of their tour around the world in the recreation hall. Farewell testimonial services will be held in Kanab on Sunday evening, September 29 for Elder Kim Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Lawson. Elder Lawson has been called by the LDS Church to serve a two-year mission to the Canadian Mission.

50 years ago: October 4, 1973

The side of the school where the KHS English department resides is getting a new look. There is remodeling going on in rooms three, five and six to better facilitate the teaching of English at KHS. They are all carpeted, connected by openings through walls, and a student study area, teacher preparation and storage area have been added. Valley High School News – VHS has 15 new members in the FHA this year. The new officers are: Lori Sorenson, President; Anita Heaton, Vice- President; Lucinda Russell, Secretary. VHS also had its first dance last Friday with a live band, featuring Oak Harbor, which played some old songs as well as new ones.

40 years ago : September 29, 1983

The Kanab area continued one of the wettest summers in history last weekend when on Friday, in two different storms, 1.75 inches of moisture was recorded. On the curve of highway 89, near the Four Seasons Motel and Restaurant, water filled the roadside and over half of the roadway to about a foot to 1.5 feet deep. Troy Church and his family traveled to Disneyland last week while he performed in a Western Band with the Sundance Kids and Cassidy Cloggers from Iron County. They gave one performance right in Disneyland and two others at the Disneyland Hotel. Phillip H. Lunceford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Lunceford of Fredonia, has been called to serve in the Guatemala-Quetzaltenango Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He enters the MTC on October 6.

20 years ago: October 1, 2003

On August 23, 2003, the Kane County Sheriff’s Office received a call that two horses had been shot and killed on some property just east of Zion National Park in Kane County. One of the horses was a quarter horse stud with an estimated value of $30,000 and the other was a mare carrying an estimated value of $7,500. Two suspects were found, and they both admitted to killing the horses with .22 caliber rifles. They were each charged with two counts of criminal mischief, which are second degree felonies because of the value of the horses.

10 years ago: October 3, 2013

Competition for the Kanab Bears Special Olympics team took place in the Washington City Recreation Center on September 26. We had only four of our team able to go. The team did a great job, earning nine gold medals and one silver. The Kanab Bears Winners were Barbara Griffin, Tony R. Giovanini, Joseph Heaton and Juanita Morris. KTX Race first place winners – Women’s Half Marathon: Jill Williams; Men’s Half- Marathon: Steve Williams; Women’s 10K: Amanda Fillmore; Men’s 10K: Bryant Shakespear; Women’s 5K: Andrea McDonald; Men’s 5K: Derek Jenson.


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