by Myrna Cox
Thanks to Mr. Lacy, whose music rends the air with instrumentals, solos, singing voices and the spirit of the season, through the different challenges of putting on a concert this year.
Thanks to modern technology and those who make it happen. Thanks to the computer techs who work hard to bring the moment of joy and celebration into our homes, and especially into our hearts, through Zoom or other technology.
The Covid may place us in masks, bringing distance and separation from hugs and personal touch, but it cannot destroy the festivities of music and the dedication from Mr. Lacey and the students who understand the work that goes into a concert.
The body language of those performing was joyous to see. The foot tapping, the swaying to the rhythm of the music, and the shining eyes of youth as they performed their best in circumstances that can be a bit difficult.
One of the highlights of the concert was a performance by Luke Hepworth, dressed as Elvis, with a very similar delivery. For a moment the King lived as he belted out Blue Christmas.
Thanks to Heidi Jacobs for the yummy cinnamon rolls to top off the festivities.
Thanks to everyone who worked to make the Christmas concert a great event, for those who were in the live audience, and those who were home watching with the enthusiastic spirit that only Christmas can bring.
Thanks to Jerry Melrose and his dedication to get those photos that are the visual images of the moment. He does such an amazing job.
Thanks everyone for making it happen. May your season be merry and bright.